Attention to the child A person must take care to take care of the child through constant attention to him, while avoiding leaving him unattended, for example, he must be paid attention to at the time of bathing, and it must be touched gently in order to enhance emotional, physical and mental development, while making sure to participate in some matters such as allocating time To read, speak and sing to him, and maintain direct eye contact. 
[1] Volume 0% Baby bathing steps One of the ways to care for a child that parents must take care of is washing the child, and this can be done by following a few steps: [2] Assemble toiletries including a private sink, mild soap, clothes, nappies, and towels, and make sure the room temperature. Fill the basin with a little warm water. 
Strip the child and dispose of dirty clothes by putting them in the laundry basket. Put it in the basin gently and pour warm water over it.
 Start by washing it from top to bottom and front to back to clean its body, start by washing the head gently, then rinse and dry it. 
Rinse the body well with water, then carefully remove it from the sink. Dry it completely and roll it well to protect it from getting cold.
 Hold the baby correctly Care must newborn new attention to carrying it properly by following the following steps: [3] Washing hands before picking up the child, as the newborn's immunity is in the process of developing, and he may become infected with any disease due to the various germs that he may be exposed to. Get physical rest to support feeling confident holding the baby. Focusing on supporting the child's head when carrying him because his head is the heaviest thing in it, so care must be taken to support his head and neck when handling him. 
Raise the child by placing one hand under his head and another hand under his body, and raising him at chest level.

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